There is a place I imagine
in my mind’s eye
where the river naturally leads me
back home
There is a place I imagine
where all of the fear dissipates
and the beauty created in its wake
vibrates my cells into their rightful place
I have sought this place all my life
The calm in every storm
The spaciousness of freedom
and the radiance of truth
The vista is infinite here
No limitations of physical form
Only the possibility of what
is born of true love
Colors are more vibrant
The glow, otherworldly
No time restrains me
Only magic at every turn
When the lessons of mother earth
become too hard to bear
This is where my heart rests
and my soul breathes a sigh of relief
I am home
Even if just in my mind’s eye
for a moment before I gather myself again
to step into the creation that is my life
DK Hillard 2022