Weaving In and Out of Time
I hear echos
sense memories
as if they were mine
They come from some time and place that I cannot define
asking to be remembered
and woven into this new tapestry
I call my life
Threads of truth echoing from their origin
calling to be recognized and recreated
The memories flood my conscious mind
blurring my sense of time and space
I feel them pulling loose
floating across the centuries
weaving in and out of time
They cause me to question reality
and yet I know what is real
I have always known
Now they call to me in images again
urging to be brought into form
These echos hunger to tell their stories
and be remembered by us all
Echos are not only mine but yours
waiting to be made new
waiting to live and breathe and feel
As the tapestry is woven so the echos are brought forth and given life
and memories trade their place in history
for a chance to feel the wind in their hair
and the earth beneath their feet
The echos are alive
The question is
Are you?
